
The 4Hands.Dental Specialist Clinic, led jointly by Professor Ervin Weiss and Dr. Michal Dekel-Steinkeller, operates according to the principles of minimally invasive care and treating patients only when their mouths are in their optimal state of health.

Close attention is paid to preparing the client prior to complex dental procedures. Our dental hygienists have also been trained according to this principle. Employing conservative methods, they bring oral tissues to their optimal health and provide clients with instructions on correctly maintaining oral health from the moment that treatment is completed and over the long term.

Dr.  Michal Dekel-Steinkeller stresses the aspect of direct cooperation. “We maintain close contact with clients as a way of placing emphasis on prevention of oral diseases, which include gingivitis, tooth decay, tooth compaction and abrasion”.

דוקטור מיכל שטיינקלר מטפלת במטופל

Professor Weiss adds that “We believe our client is part of the care team. The client’s role, just like that of each of our staff, is central to the treatment’s success”.

The Weiss-Dekel Clinic’s diverse dental team carries out a preliminary diagnosis relative to the client’s probability of developing an oral disease. The diagnosis is carried out based on the CAMBRA methodology: Caries Management By Risk Assessment. It is implemented in the first meeting and helps lead to the client’s optimal path of treatment based on her or his risk level.

The plan will additionally relate to aesthetic aspects derived from the treatment. We aim to ensure maximum aesthetics as far as your smile, mouth and cheeks, endeavouring to ensure a healthy, youthful, flattering appearance.

Every treatment we give takes the aesthetic elements into account while aiming for optimal results that satisfy the professional team and the client. Our team is highly skilled in aesthetic treatments, including teeth alignment, aesthetic reconstruction, and tooth whitening. These treatments are given once we’ve applied advanced simulation techniques to demonstrate the final outcome’s visual aesthetic.

תקריב של פיה של אישה עם שיניים.

Four Hands Dentistry

רח' ויצמן 14 (קומה 19), תל אביב

Four Hands Dentistry

Weitzmann st. 14, Tel Aviv, Israel